Saturday, June 28, 2008

Happy 3 Month Birthday to The Princess

Even though it is 10:00 p.m., here in the states, it is tomorrow in Kyrgyzstan and our Ellie has just turned three months old -- legally able to go to court now. I spend a lot of time wondering about her and today is no different. At her two month birthday, Kevin took video of Josh and I singing Happy Birthday to her. Today, there will be no one to sing to her. We will also miss the four month birthday singing as well. Our comfort is in knowing that hopefully we will not miss anymore of them.

So, as I sit here, I sing a quiet version of Happy Birthday to Ellie-belly, The Princess and hope that today there is a breeze to cool her sweat, a warm bottle to fill her tummy, someone to hold her and possibly take her for a walk outside, someone to sing to her, someone to change her when she is wet or dirty, a pacifier to soothe her and a moment in her heart where God reminds her that the wait time is drawing shorter and soon -- very, very soon == her mommy and daddy will be back to get her.


Ivy Lee said...

Happy 3-month birthday to Ellie. I remember the 3 of you singing to her on her 2-month. It was so sweet to watch you all. I am with you. I hope that she will be home with you on her 4-month birthday. That would be so WONDERFUL.

Margaret and Tom said...

Happy 3 month birthday to Ellie-belly (too cute by the way :)
Don't worry she will be in your arms soon and how wonderful that will be when you can sing her happy 5 month birthday!